Technical and scientific support in certification processes for products and services;
Assessment of the existing rolling stock condition;
Installation of rolling stock workshops;
Integrated circulation, signalling, parking and interface plans;
Conception and planning of networks and transport systems;
Supervision and quality control of logistic and transport infrastructures works;
Studies and projects of architecture, engineering, urban planning, logistical, transport and communications infrastructures;
Guidance plans of development;
Conception and negotiation of public service contracts;
Consulting and services
Conception and Studies
- Conception, compatibility and implementation of signaling and telecommunications systems.
Rolling Stock and Workshops
Technical specifications and layout.
Elaboration of maintenance plans.
Terminals and Ports
- Studies and Projects of intermodal terminals of merchandise, respective infrastructures and support equipment layouts.
Railway Infrastructures
Tracks and superstructure conception project.
Definition and control of constituent materials.
Works Inspection and control.
Planning and Monitoring, ensuring correct execution, including monitoring of compliance with plans and infrastructure status.